
Since the start of our operations, we have increased production by more than 20 fold. With continued focus and execution the growth trend continues and has surpassed 22,000 bopd, all through the drill-bits making us one of the fastest organically growing E&Ps in the region.
With over 500+ development well locations booked (2P), we plan to drill 100+ wells for FY 2024 using our 4 drilling rigs and 3 workover rigs. This level of activity makes us one of the most active E&P Companies in Egypt (~20% of wells to be drilled in Egypt in 2024)
​Welcome to Mediterra Energy
Mediterra Energy Corporation ("Mediterra") is a Calgary, Canada based International Oil and Gas Company focused on exploration and development opportunities in the Middle East and North Africa ('MENA").
Our board of directors and Management team bring significant operating experience with proven track record in the region. This has enabled Mediterra to continue to generate exceptional reserves and production growth with one of the lowest operating, and finding and development costs in the region.
We have built an impressive portfolio of assets with near-term and long-term growth prospects for years to come. Our current portfolio of assets consists of
Sudr, Matarma, Asl development leases - 100% operated working interest.
Al Baraka and West Baraka Development Leases - a 100% operated working interest in light oil producing Komombo Concession in Egypt.
Block 7 and 8 : a 40% Working Interest in 5.6 million acres of exploration land
With our strong shareholder base and access to both capital locally and globally, Mediterra is well positioned to expand on its current asset base through strategic acquisitions and organic production growth through the drill bit in our focus area.